Wednesday, August 18, 2010

TMI: Hairy

I've been talking about it for years and I'm finally going to do it. I am going through with laser hair removal treatment. It's a cosmetic, outpatient procedure stretched out over several months. My first treatment is today. I'm kinda nervous but so ready to do this. I pluck, wax, and nair and just can't keep up with the facial hair.

The facial hair is totally hormonal and is one of the symptoms of my infertility woes. Apparently, my body does not produce enough progesterone to stave off the effects of the testosterone thus... facial hair. I've been putting this off for so long but I finally made the time to do it. I wish I started earlier.

Here's the crazy thing: while getting treatment, I CANNOT pluck, nair, or wax. The only thing I can do is shave. Uggghhhh!!!! Shaving on women is so unattractive. It makes a woman's face look all masculine. But at this point, I don't really care! I'll be glad with the final results. After the first treatment, I have to allow the hair to fall out on its own. The hair will continue to grow until the follicle dies. I feel like going into hibernation for a couple months. (I'm glad I'm not working yet.)

The technician I consulted with advised that I come for my follow-up treatments every six weeks. If I could, I'd do it every four weeks. I'm just really ready to get this done and over with. Send me good vibes!!

1 comment:

evotia said...

oh u have awakened the shaving gods!! i suffer from the same w/a tweezer in every purse. hang in there and we'll pray for those lil suckers to fly up outta ya!