Wednesday, March 04, 2009

High Heeled Pointy Toed Boots

Sunday night, my niece text messaged me from my brothers phone:
Dear Aunty i just want to let you know that my birthday is tommorow remember that i totally LOVE would love high heeled boots for my birthday
I couldn't help but laugh at the message.

My sweet niece is, by far, the most expressive and creative child I have ever known. For instance, she has created a commercial for an industrial cleaner, complete with three different characters from three different places. One character is a male from Texas, and she does the whole Texas accent. One character is from Aussie and she does the accent for her as well. I can't remember the last character but she does a whole infomercial. It is really funny. And the crazy thing is that it all came from the mind of a seven year old. (She just turned eight on Monday.) She loves to draw, as do I. Everytime she visits with me, we draw and color. Apparently, according to her, I'm an excellent sketch artist. We design the latest fashions and create the hottest styles together. If ever I had a favorite, of course Aunty's never do **winks**, she would be it. She reminds me so much of myself but in a way-charged-up-more-creative-kind-of-way!

With the text message information in tow, I made my way to Ross on the night of her birthday. Since her birthday fell on a Monday, she spent it with her family at Build-A-Bear. I called her to wish her a happy birthday and to tell her that I would be dropping off her birthday present for her at her Grandparents (my parents) House the following day. She was excited!

While in Ross I searched the kids section for high-heeled, pointy-toed boots. They don't sell boots like that for children. I already knew! I was just hoping there'd be some costume stuff in the kids section. I made my way to the womens shoes section. A particular pair kept drawing my attention and I knew she would just love it. So I threw it into my cart. I kept walking around the store and came up with an idea to turn her gift into a "Let's Play Dress Up" themed gift since the boots were far too grown up and I just know her dad would NEVER let her out of the house with them on. I threw in two, very grown-up dresses, head bands, a belt, and a glitter/make-up set. I wish I took a picture of everything but was too excited about it. It was just the cutest gift EVER.

I spoke with my sister-in-law this morning and the gift was a HIT! She was so excited about the boots that she wanted to wear it to school. I hope they never let her wear it to school. It really is way too grown-up. **giggles**

This is the card I included:
The "Diva-Licious" Gift

"They don't sell high-heeled boots with pointy
Toes for little girls," said the store clerk

"But my niece wants that for her eighth
Birthday. She has to have it," I perked!

The store clerk shrugged and walked away and
Left me to ponder what needed to be done.

So I set out on a great expedition to find
A gift that was fashionable and lots of fun

This is what I came up with so
I hope you like it

Pull these items out when you need some
Glamour and Glitz

Little girl, you are only little but
Once in your life

So be little, have fun, and
Always choose the right

Don't be in a rush to grow up
And get old

Take your time, do it right,
And let the blessings unfold

She's been experiencing a tiff at school. I guess there are three little girls that are doing the "I'm not gonna be your friend" thing that little girls do. My niece is the outsider in the tiff. The three girls are telling people NOT to be her friend. Anyway, I wish I could shield her from the bad stuff. It breaks my heart to see her have to go through it. But she must and I know she will be fine. I hope my gift brightened her day!

**Photo Credit


Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

Aww, she's so lucky to have an auntie like you! That was a great gift idea and the poem was a nice touch. Too bad about the girl drama at school. Girls are usually meaner than boys. . .so my son says. He say's that they are sassy, grouchy and bossy. LOL!

Da Orem Pula's said...

You are great. Great advice. I'm sure a sweet little girl who has lots of creativity. Hopefully all that "little girl cruelty" won't her her from the creativity side of her.

Keo's said...

Aww, you're the best aunty in the whole wide world! (that's what she was thinking)