Sunday, September 05, 2004

In The Rain

On another day we'll play in the rain
We'll run like children lost in innocence
Throw our hands up and wonder if God was crying
Fall down laughing and hold soaked hands
Under a tree full of green leaves

On another day we'll play in the rain
We'll laugh like awkward teenagers falling in love
Beam bright eyes at each other and devious smiles
Chase each other till we're out of breath
And steal first kisses over and over again

On another day we'll play in the rain
We'll ease through raindrops like spaceships navigating the stars
Let easy smiles creep across content faces
Roll in the grass and get saturated with love
Under cloudy skies and moist surroundings

On another day we'll play in the rain
We'll sit like an old couple that has seen all of life
A quiet still embraces us and comforts our old bones
And we'll hunt monarch butterflies and tulips
While the sun peaks from behind rain clouds

Yes. On another day we'll play in the rain
And be innocent
Steal first kisses
Saturate ourselves with love
Like an old couple with a beautiful life behind them

Written on a Rainy Day in September... all I wanted to do was play in it with HIM
5 September 2004

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