Monday, December 13, 2010

My Japan in PICTURES

The Rail Map... could not figure this one out. Husband spoke to the woman at the desk and said, "Tokyo". She came out, led us to the electronic machine. Put our money in it and placed us on our path. Domo Arigato!

Love all the buildings and lights in Shibuya.


I just love how everything looks. I wonder if these balls of light are traditional?!

Husband bout to get his eat on. This is the best tonkatsu I have ever eaten. Yumm!!

Me on the free shuttle. So grateful for the shuttles everywhere!

I think this is my favorite shot of all the pictures I took in Shibuya. I think it's the almost monotone quality of this picture.


Shibuya's crazy center square. All intersections -- red light and all pedestrians get the green light.

Love the colorful vending machines everwhere!

Traditional peoples in the middle of Shibuya! Oxymoron.

More of the lights.

Everything is so colorful in Japan.

I love to see all the characters around town.


Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

SOOO jealous right now!

I have yet to fulfill my goal of going back. I loved the city. It was so different being in such a setting. Spent time there for 8 months then transferred to the country were the rice patties went on and on. I actually got home sick for the city after my transfer out! I missed the lights and talking with random people on the streets! It was a blast! Oh, I remember those maps. . . and trying to match up the Kanji on our english maps, taking the wrong train, getting off at the wrong stop. Adventure!

The Brown Blogger said...

Wow. I love the pics!

The Songer said...

The pics make me want to go back again! <3 that place!

ps... the food looks so good!